Early Learner Classroom
Norie as a friendly, outgoing and assertive child. She loves community outings and spontaneously greets others. She enjoys going to the store during our CBI outings, where she brings her wallet and practices using money for purchases. Norie’s interests include coloring, painting, and making necklaces and bracelets. She enjoys baking with our Occupational Therapist, Claudette and SLP, Bri. She gets all the materials ready and puts on her apron independently. Norie is very precise and detail oriented when engaged in preferred activities such as baking and art. Norie’s verbal communication skills have significantly improved over the past year. She lets you know what she wants and likes. Her vocabulary has expanded since she started at Spectrum. Norie’s speech intelligibility and vocabulary skills have improved significantly since she began at Spectrum. Her overall intelligibility was approximately 10% when she arrived and is now estimated to be 50-70%!
We are looking forward to seeing Norie continue to GROW!