Transition Services
Makayla started at the Regional Office of Spectrum as an assistant. She has worked with all sorts of materials, assembling binders, communication logs, laminating cards for CBI, prepping materials for shipping and any other special projects.
Makayla then began training on how to use Microsoft Publisher. She learned how to go to the internet, search for images, copying those images and transferring them to documents, and cropping and resizing them. She made materials for her class and other classes. She designed door ideas, went to the internet and looked for the pieces she needed to create the pieces, cropped and sized them to scale and produced all the parts to complete the door projects. It was all very impressive.
Makayala also uses her new skills to make birthday and thank you cards for students and staff at her school. She also learned about paper, the different types and sizes and what you do with them, and how to adjust the settings when printing for each paper type.
With the vocational skills that Makayla has gained during her time at Spectrum, she will be a great resource to any business!